Второе издание книги "Fluorescence In Situ Hybridization (FISH). Application Guide"
В немецком издательстве Springer Verlag вышла книга Fluorescence In Situ Hybridization (FISH). Application Guide (с годом издания 2017). Это второе издание сборника протоколов, который был выпущен в 2009 году. Три главы из этой книги написаны сотрудниками Отдела разнообразия и эволюции геномов ИМКБ или при их участии.
Yang F, Trifonov V, Ng BL, Kosyakova N, Carter NP. Generation of paint probes from flow-sorted and microdissected chromosomes. pp. 63-79
Trifonov VA, Vorobieva NV, Serdyukova NA, Rens W. FISH with and without COT1 DNA. pp. 123-132
Yang F, Graphodatsky AS. Animal probes and ZOO-FISH. pp. 395-415
This manual offers detailed protocols for fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) and comparative genomic hybridization approaches, which have been successfully used to study various aspects of genomic behavior and alterations. Methods using different probe and cell types, tissues and organisms, such as mammalians, fish, amphibians (including lampbrush-chromosomes), insects, plants and microorganisms are described in 57 chapters. In addition to multicolor FISH procedures and special applications such as the characterization of marker chromosomes, breakpoints, cryptic aberrations, nuclear architectures and epigenetic changes, as well as comparative genomic hybridization studies, this 2nd edition describes how FISH can be combined with other techniques. The latter include immunostaining, electron microscopy, single cell electrophoresis and microdissection.
This well-received application guide provides essential protocols for beginning FISHers and FISH experts alike working in the fields of human genetics, microbiology, animal and plant sciences.