Laboratory of Plant Cytology and Apomixis
Head of the Laboratory
Former research workers:
Belova Irina, PhD Kharlamova Svetlana Kholodar Alexey, PhD Kotsyuba Artem Kuzmina Natalia Lisitsyna Kristina |
Lisitsyna Natalia Melnikova Antonina Popp Svetlana Snakina Tatjana Tarakanova Tatiana, PhD |
Sokolov VA, Panikhin PA, Plotnikov KO, Chepurnov GY, Blinov AG. Development of apomictic 56-chromosomal maize-Tripsacum hybrids: a potential breakthrough in heterosis fixation. (doi: 10.3390/plants13152138) Plants 13(15): 2138, 2024
Vavilova VY, Konopatskaia ID, Blinov AG, Kondratenko EYa, Kruchinina YuV, Goncharov NP. Genetic variability of Btr1 genes in tetraploid wheat species and Aegilops speltoides Tausch. (doi: 10.1134/S1022795422060138) Russ J Genet 58(6): 684–697, 2022
Fedunov RG, Sokolov VA. Possible steps of the carboxylation of ribulose-1,5-biphosphate from intermediates: 2,3-enediol versus 1,2-enol. (doi: 10.3390/ijms22189749) Int J Mol Sci 22(18): 9749, 2021
Sokolov VA. On a possible way to increase the efficiency of photosynthesis. (doi: 10.1134/S1607672920020131) Dokl Biochem Biophys 491(1): 98-100, 2020
Ustyantsev K, Biryukov M, Sukhikh I, Shatskaya NV, Fet V, Blinov A, Konopatskaia I. Diversity of mariner-like elements in Orthoptera (doi: 10.18699/VJ19.581) Vavilov J Genetics Breeding 23(8): 1059-1066, 2019
Sokolov VA, Abdyrakhmanova EA. On the possibility of experimental modification of imprinting in apomictic plants. (doi: 10.1134/S1022795419080143) Russ J Genet 55(8): 939–944, 2019
Vasilyeva G, Vavilova V, Ustyantsev K, Sukhikh I, Blinov A, Goroshkevich S, Sokolov V. Genetic diversity of Pinus sibirica, P. pumila and their natural hybrids based on non-linked nuclear loci. (doi: 10.12657/denbio.079.015) Dendrobiology 79: 168-173, 2018
Sebezhko OI, Petukhov VL, Sokolov VA, Korotkevich OS, Konovalova TV, Kamaldinov EV, Syso AI, Marmuleva NI, Narozhnykh KN, Barinov EY, Osadchuk LV. Comparative assessment of radioactive strontium and cesium contents in the feedstuffs and dairy products of Western Siberia. Indian J Ecology 44(3): 662-666, 2017
Sebezhko OI, Petukhov VL, Sokolov VA, Korotkevich OS, Kamaldinov EV, Syso AI, Konovalova TV, Marmuleva NI, Narozhnykh KN, Barinov EY, Osadchuk LV. Comparative assessment of radioactive strontium and cesium contents in the feedstuffs and dairy products from various regions of Western Siberia. Res J Pharm Biol Chem Sci 8(3): 1753-1759, 2017
Syso AI, Sokolov VA, Petukhov VL, Lebedeva MA, Cherevko AS, Sebezhko OI, Konovalova TV, Korotkevich OS, Narozhnykh KN, Kamaldinov EV. Ecological and biogeochemical evaluation of elements content in soils and fodder grasses of the agricultural lands of Siberia. J Pharm Sci Res 9(4): 368-374, 2017
Ran L, Li M, Fan HX, Jiang JJ, Wang YP, Sokolov V. Epigenetic variation in the callus of Brassica napus under different inducement conditions. Rus J Genet 52(8): 802–809, 2016
Jiang J, Wang Y, Xie T, Shi X, Wang YP, Sokolov V. DNA methylation analysis during the optimization of Agrobacterium-mediated transformation of soybean. Генетика 52: 66-73, 2016
Shavrukov Y, Sokolov V. Maize-gamagrass interspecific hybrid, Zea mays × Tripsacum dactyloides, shows better salinity tolerance and higher Na+ exclusion than Maize and Sorghum. Int J Latest Res Sci Tech (IJLRST) 4: 128-133, 2015
Sokolov VA, Savel’ev NI, Goncharov NP. I.V. Michurin’s work on expansion of the plant horticulture assortment and improvement of food quality. Proc Latvian Acad Sci. Section B. 69(4): 190-197, 2015
Gao Y, Ran L, Kong Y, Jiang J, Sokolov V, Wang Y. Assessment of DNA methilation changes in tissue culture of Brassica napus. Генетика 50: 1338-1344, 2014
Fan Y, Du K, Gao Y, Kong Y, Chu C, Sokolov V, Wang Y. Transformation of LTP gene into Brassica napus to enhance its resistance to Sclerotinia sclerotiorum. Генетика 49: 439-447, 2013
Institute of Botany, Průhonice, Czech Republic
Yangzhou University, Jiangsu Province, China