Department of Strtucture and Function of Chromosomes

Laboratory of Chromosome Engineering

Demakov Sergey
Leading research fellow

Curriculum Vitae

thomson_logo.gif scopus_logo.jpg   Demakov Sergey leading research fwllow DSc (Biology) demakovatmcb [dot] nsc [dot] ru
thomson_logo.gif scopus_logo.jpg   Volkova Elena senior research fellow PhD (Biology) volkatmcb [dot] nsc [dot] ru
thomson_logo.gif scopus_logo.jpg Andreyenkova Natalia senior research fellow PhD (Biology) anataatmcb [dot] nsc [dot] ru
thomson_logo.gif scopus_logo.jpg Andreyenkov Oleg senior research fellow PhD (Biology) andreenkovatmcb [dot] nsc [dot] ru
      Korneyeva Lyubov lab technician    
  scopus_logo.jpg   Tikhomirov Savely part-time research assistant    

Former research workers:

Boguslavsky Denis
Fedorova Sofia
Goncharova Alla
Nikolaev Dmitry
Pankova Tatiana
Popova Olga
Pospelova Tatiana, Dsc
Prudnikova Maria
Safonkina Maria
Shebunyaeva Yana
Schwartz Maria
Sidorenko Darya, PhD
Zykova Tatiana, PhD

Recent publications: 
  1. Veryaskina YA, Titov SE, Skvortsova NV, Kovynev IB, Antonenko OV, Demakov SA, Demenkov PS, Pospelova TI, Ivanov MK, Zhimulev IF. Multiple myeloma: Genetic and epigenetic biomarkers with clinical potential. (doi: 10.3390/ijms252413404) Int J Mol Sci 25(24): 13404, 2024

  2. Veryaskina YA, Titov SE, Kovynev IB, Pospelova TI, Fyodorova SS, Shebunyaeva YY, Demakov SA, Demenkov PS, Zhimulev IF. MicroRNA: A signature for the clinical progression of chronic lymphocytic leukemia. (doi: 10.3390/lymphatics2030013) Lymphatics 2(3): 157-167, 2024

  3. Andreyenkova NG, Hong S-Y, Lin H-S, Iwami Y, Kirillin RA, Literak I, Zhimulev IF, Karyakin IV. Genetic relationships of populations of the Black Kite Milvus migrans (Accipitriformes: Accipitridae) in the east of its range in Asia and Australia. (doi: 10.11646/zootaxa.5523.1.5) Zootaxa 5523(1): 83-99, 2024

  4. Volkova EI, Dorogova NV, Andreyenkov OV, Tikhomirov SA, Demakov SA. New mutations in the 5′ region of the Notch gene affect Drosophila melanogaster oogenesis. (doi: 10.3390/jdb10030032) J Dev Biol 10(3): 32, 2022

  5. Andreyenkov OV, Volkova EI, Andreyenkova NG, Demakov SA. Using the CRISPR/Cas9 system for dissection of functional sites of the Notch gene in Drosophila melanogaster. In: "Notch Signaling Research" (Jia D Ed.) Methods in Molecular Biology 2472: 1-14, 2022. Humana, New York, NY (doi: 10.1007/978-1-0716-2201-8_1)

  6. Literák I, Škrábal J, Karyakin I, Andreyenkova N, Vazhov S. Black kites on a flyway between Western Siberia and the Indian Subcontinent. (doi: 10.1038/s41598-022-09246-1Sci Reports 12(1): 5581, 2022

  7. Andreyenkova NG, Karyakin IV, Starikov IJ, Sauer-Gürth H, Literák I, Andreyenkov OV, Shnayder EP, Bekmansurov RH, Alexeyenko MN, Wink M, Zhimulev IF. Phylogeography and demographic history of the black kite Milvus migrans, a widespread raptor in Eurasia, Australia and Africa. (doi: 10.1111/jav.02822J Avian Biol 52(10): e02822, 2021 

  8. Levitsky VG, Zykova TYu, Moshkin YuM, Zhimulev IF. Nucleosome positioning around transcription start site correlates with gene expression only for active chromatin state in Drosophila interphase chromosomes. (doi: 10.3390/ijms21239282Int J Mol Sci 21(23): 9282, 2020

  9. Khoroshko VA, Pokholkova GV, Levitsky VG, Zykova TY, Antonenko OV, Belyaeva ES, Zhimulev IF. Genes containing long introns occupy series of bands and interbands in Drosophila melanogaster polytene chromosomes. (doi: 10.3390/genes11040417Genes 11(4): 417, 2020

  10. Demakova OV, Demakov SA, Boldyreva LV, Zykova TYu, Levitsky VG, Semeshin VF, Pokholkova GV, Sidorenko DS, Goncharov FP, Belyaeva ES, Zhimulev IF. Faint gray bands in Drosophila melanogaster polytene chromosomes are formed by coding sequences of housekeeping genes. (doi: 10.1007/s00412-019-00728-2Chromosoma 129(1): 25-44, 2020

  11. Literák I, Skyrpan M, Andreyenkova NG. A mixed pair of black and red kites in ukraine, including DNA analysis of hybrid offspring. (doi: 10.2478/s11756-019-00268-1Biologia 75: 115-120, 2020

  12. Volkova EI, Andreyenkova NG, Andreyenkov OV, Sidorenko DS, Zhimulev IF, Demakov SA.  Structural and functional dissection of the 5’ region of the Notch gene in Drosophila melanogaster. (doi: 10.3390/genes10121037Genes 10(12): 1037, 2019

  13. Zykova TYu, Levitsky VG, Zhimulev IF. Architecture of promoters of house-keeping genes in polytene chromosome interbands of Drosophila melanogaster. (doi: 10.1134/S1607672919020029Dokl Biochem Biophys 485(1): 95-100, 2019

  14. Sidorenko DS, Sidorenko IA, Zykova TY, Goncharov FP, Larsson J, Zhimulev IF. Molecular and genetic organization of bands and interbands in the dot chromosome of Drosophila melanogaster. (doi: 10.1007/s00412-019-00703-x) Chromosoma 128(2): 97-117, 2019

  15. Khoroshko VA, Pokholkova GV, Zykova TYu, Osadchiy IS, Zhimulev IF. Gene dunce localization in the polytene chromosome of Drosophila melanogaster long span batch of adjacent chromosomal structures. (doi: 10.1134/S1607672919010137Doklady Biochem Biophys 484(1): 55-58, 2019

  16. Andreyenkova NG, Starikov IJ, Wink M, Karyakin IV, Andreyenkov OV, Zhimulev IF. The problems of genetic support of dividing the black kite (Milvus migrans) into subspecies. (doi: 10.18699/VJ19.486Vavilov J Genetics Breeding 23(2): 226-231, 2019

  17. Andreyenkov OV, Volkova EI, Andreyenkova NG, Demakov SA. The study of the regulatory region of the Drosophila melanogaster Notch gene by new methods of directed genome editing. (doi: 10.18699/VJ19.482Vavilov J Genetics Breeding 23(2): 199-202, 2019

  18. Schwartz (Berkaeva) MB, Pankova TE, Demakov SA. ADF1 and BEAF-32 chromatin proteins affect nucleosome positioning and DNA decompaction in 61C7/C8 interband region of Drosophila melanogaster polytene chromosomes. (doi: 10.18699/VJ19.475) Vavilov J Genetics Breeding 23(2): 154-159, 2019

  19. Sidorenko DS, Zykova TYu, Khoroshko VA, Pokholkova GV, Demakov SA, Larsson J, Belyaeva ES, Zhimulev IF. Polytene chromosomes reflect functional organization of the Drosophila genome. (doi: 10.18699/VJ19.474Vavilov J Genetics Breeding 23(2): 148-153, 2019

  20. Sidorenko D. The fourth chromosome is a specific domain of the Drosophila chromatin. Norwegian J Dev Int Sci 15(1): 13-19, 2018 (in Russian, Abstract in English)

  21. Zykova TYu, Popova OO, Khoroshko VA, Levitsky VG, Lavrov SA, Zhimulev IF. Genetic organization of open chromatin domains situated in polytene chromosome interbands in Drosophila. (doi: 10.1134/S1607672918060078Doklady Biochem Biophys 483(1): 297–301, 2018

  22. Andreyenkova NG, Andreyenkov OV, Karyakin IV, Zhimulev IF. New haplotypes of the mitochondrial gene CytB in the nesting population of the siberian black kite Milvus migrans lineatus Gray, 1831 in the territory of the Republic of Tyva. (doi: 10.1134/S1607672918050034Doklady Biochem Biophys 482(1): 242–244, 2018

  23. Khoroshko VA, Zykova TY, Popova OO, Zhimulev IF. Border structure of intercalary heterochromatin bands of Drosophila melanogaster polytene chromosomes. (doi: 10.1134/S1607672918020163) Dokl Biochem Biophys 479(1): 114-117, 2018

  24. Pokholkova GV, Demakov SA, Andreenkov OV, Andreenkova NG, Volkova EI, Belyaeva ES, Zhimulev IF. Tethering of CHROMATOR and dCTCF proteins results in decompaction of condensed bands in the Drosophila melanogaster polytene chromosomes but does not affect their transcription and replication timing. (doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0192634PLoS ONE 13(4): e0192634, 2018

  25. Zykova TYu, Levitsky VG, Belyaeva ES, Zhimulev IF. Polytene chromosomes – a portrait of functional organization of the Drosophila genome. (doi: 10.2174/1389202918666171016123830Curr Genomics 19(3): 179-191, 2018

  26. Boldyreva LV, Goncharov FP, Demakova OV, Zykova TYu, Levitsky VG, Kolesnikov NN, Pindyurin AV, Semeshin VF, Zhimulev IF. Protein and genetic composition of four chromatin types in Drosophila melanogaster cell lines. (doi:  10.2174/1389202917666160512164913Curr Genomics, 18(2): 214-226, 2017

  27. Khoroshko VA, Levitsky VG, Zykova TY, Antonenko OV, Belyaeva ES, Zhimulev IF. Chromatin heterogeneity and distribution of regulatory elements in the late-replicating intercalary heterochromatin domains of Drosophila melanogaster chromosomes. (doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0157147PLoS ONE 11(6): e0157147, 2016

  28. Pavlova GA, Galimova YuA, Popova YuV, Munzarova AF, Razuvaeva AV, Alekseeva AL, Berkaeva MB, Pindyurin AV, Somma MP, Gatti M, Renda F. Factors governing the pattern of spindle microtubule regrowth after tubulin depolymerization. Цитология 58: 299-303, 2016

  29. Zykova T, Demidova D, Levitsky V, Khoroshko V, Belyaeva E, Kokoza E, Zhimulev I. Molecular and genetic structure of polytene chromosome banding pattern in Drosophila melanogaster. Athens: ATINER'S Conference Paper Series, No: BIO2015-1700: 4-15, 2015

  30. Zhimulev IF, Zykova TYu, Goncharov FP, Khoroshko VA, Demakova OV, Semeshin VF, Pokholkova GV, Boldyreva LV, Demidova DS, Levitsky VG, Demakov SA, Belyaeva ES. Genetic organization of interphase chromosome bands and interbands in Drosophila melanogaster. (doi: 10.1007/s10577-014-9447-3) Chromosome Res 23: 409-410, 2015

  31. Pokholkova GV, Koryakov DE, Pindyurin AV, Kozhevnikova EN, Belyakin SN, Andreyenkov OV, Belyaeva ES, Zhimulev IF. Tethering of SUUR and HP1 proteins results in delayed replication of euchromatic regions in Drosophila melanogaster polytene chromosomes. (doi: 10.1007/s00412-014-0491-8Chromosoma 124: 209-220, 2015

Selected talks: 
  1. Andreyenkov OV. Directed formation of deletions in Notch regulatory region using CRISPR-Cas-mediated targeted genome editing method. International Conference “Chromosome – 2018”, 20-24 August 2018, Novosibirsk, Russia

  2. Andreyenkova NG. Рhylogeography of the black kite (Milvus migrans) based on mitochondrial cytochrome b gene polymorphism. International Conference “Chromosome – 2018”, 20-24 August 2018, Novosibirsk, Russia

  3. Zykova TYu. Interband architecture in Drosophila polytene chromosomes. International Conference “Chromosome – 2018”, 20-24 August 2018, Novosibirsk, Russia

  4. Zykova T. Polytene chromosomes – a portrait of functional organization of the Drosophila genome. 25th Wilhelm Bernhard Workshop on the Cell Nucleus, June 19-22, 2017, Nizhny Novgorod, Russia

  5. Zykova T. Molecular and genetic organization of chromatin in the composition of Drosophila interphase chromosomes. 13th International conference on Drosophila heterochromatin, June 4-10, 2017, Cagliari, Italy

  6. Sidorenko D. A combined method for mapping polytene chromosome binding pattern in the fourth microchromosome of Drosophila melanogaster. 13th International conference on Drosophila heterochromatin, June 4-10, 2017, Cagliari, Italy

  7. Zykova TYu. Chromosomal organization of Drosophila genome. International mini-conference "Chromosomes and Mitosis – 2016", November 25, 2016, Novosibirsk, Russia

  8. Zykova T. Structural and genetic domains of interphase chromosomes in Drosophila melanogaster. 6th Annual World Congress of Molecular & Cell Biology (CMCB-2016), April 25-28 2016, Dalian, China

  9. Zykova T. Molecular and genetic structure of polytene chromosome banding pattern in Drosophila melanogaster. Annual International Conference on Biology, 22-25 June 2015, Athens, Greece


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